Can You Benefit From Joining a Support Group

The short answer is, “Yes!”. Support groups offer a safe and confidential environment for people to talk openly and honestly about their feelings with others who share similar experiences. This helps to reduce stress and anxiety and leads to feeling less lonely and isolated. Talking issues through and receiving non-judgemental input within a supportive community builds people’s skills to cope with challenges.

Support groups have become increasingly popular in the mental health space, even more so since the COVID-19 pandemic, and for good reason. In this blog, we will discuss more about why support groups are beneficial in the mental health space, why they are popular, and how they can help people who are struggling.

Why are Support Groups Beneficial in the Mental Health Space?

Support groups provide several benefits for individuals struggling with mental health issues. 

  • One of the primary benefits is that they provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences. Other members in the group can act as a sounding board and help you to come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge. They can also hold you accountable. This can be incredibly validating and empowering for individuals who may feel alone or isolated in their struggles.
  • Support groups provide a sense of community and belonging. This allows people to experience being a part of something greater than themselves. Individuals in a support group have a platform in which to share their stories and experiences with others who understand, relate and even learn from what is being shared. Regularly talking and listening to others also helps put one’s own problems into perspective.
  • Support groups can provide practical advice and coping strategies for managing mental health issues. Participants can share what has worked for them in managing their symptoms and offer support and encouragement to others who may be struggling with similar issues. Research has shown that people with high levels of social support are more resilient in the face of stressful situations.

Why are Support Groups Popular?

Support groups have become increasingly popular in recent years due to several factors.

  • The occurrence of mental health issues is on the rise, with more individuals seeking support and resources to help manage their symptoms. Support groups provide an accessible and affordable option for individuals who may not have access to mental health services or who prefer to seek support outside of traditional therapy.
  • Being in lockdown during the pandemic helped the shift to online support groups.

Social media and online forums have made it easier for individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences. This has led to an increase in the acceptance of online support groups and communities, which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. 

  • Support groups have gained greater acceptance and recognition in society, particularly among millennials and Gen Z where the traditional stigma associated with mental health problems is not an issue. Overall, people are more open about their struggles and transparent about seeking support. This has led to a greater demand for support groups and a wider range of options for individuals to access them.

How Can Support Groups Help People Who Are Struggling?

Mental health issues can be incredibly isolating. In like-minded communities, individuals feel less alone and isolated and support groups provide a sense of community and belonging that can help individuals feel more connected. 

  • Support groups can provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their struggles and experiences. This can be incredibly validating and empowering, as individuals may feel heard and understood in a way that they may not in other environments 
  • Support groups can provide practical advice and coping strategies for managing mental health issues. Participants can share what has worked for them in managing their symptoms and offer support and encouragement to others who may be struggling with similar issues.
  • Support groups can provide a sense of hope and inspiration. Participants can share their stories of recovery and resilience, which can be incredibly motivating and inspiring for others who may be struggling.


To conclude, support groups are beneficial in the mental health space for many reasons. They provide a safe and supportive environment for people to connect with others who share similar experiences. They provide a sense of community and belonging and provide a safe space where practical advice and coping strategies for managing mental health issues can be shared. Support groups have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the prevalence of mental health issues, increased access to online resources, and a greater acceptance of mental health issues, which should be seen in the same way as one would treat a physical ailment – with no stigma attached. 

If you are struggling with a mental health issue, consider seeking support through a support group. It can be an incredibly empowering and validating experience that can help you on your journey to recovery.